Did you know you can have your paper Alberta Health Care card laminated here at the Magrath Pharmacy? Sure, just be sure to sign the back first if you want to donate any .. thing ..
Alberta Health Services will be holding their annual Influenza Immunization Clinic for 2013 in Magrath at Magrath Seniors Center on Tue Oct 22 from noon-6pm and Fri Nov 1 from 9am-3pm and also at at Magrath Community Health Services on Wed Dec 4 from 1-4pm. "When you make influenza immunization an annual event, you protect yourself, your family, and our community." Important: Bring your Alberta Personal Health Care card with you! See www.albertahealthservices.ca or call 1-866-408-5465 for more information.
Q: What can I do to avoid getting a cold or the flu?
A: You can catch as cold or the flu from being in close contact with others who are already sick, or just by touching surfaces they have touched. To reduce your chances of catching a cold or the flu, make sure to wash your hands frequently, for at least 30 seconds each time. If you are already sick, remember to cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough to prevent otheres from catching the virus - and wash your hands, too, Health Tip: When you get a cold or the flu, you may cough and sneeze frequently, fell congested, or get a fever, There are no cures for a cold or the flu, but there are cold and sinus medications available to reduce the severity of your symptoms. Nasal rinse kits can help with congestion. Cough drops and syrups acan help calm your throat, and ibuprofen or acetaminophen products can help with a fever. Do you have a question? Ask your Live Well Pharmacist! |
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