It reads: "Magrath Lions Club Annual Fundraiser Do YOU have STUFF? Sure you do! You could donate some of that STUFF to the Magrath Lions Club Garage Sale and then come by to buy back some new exciting STUFF! Drop offs: we will be collecting your items for donation; Sat 24 May 2014 and each day of that week Mon through Fri 30 May (at lunch hours or by prior arrangement) at the 'old Home Hardware' building .. see Tracie at Roosters or Roger at the Magrath Pharmacy for details. ** and then ** Our annual Lions Community Garage Sale .. will be held: Sat 31 May 2014 9am-1pm INSIDE at the former/currently vacant Home Hardware building .. the 'old Home Hardware' (behind Roosters) .. Thanks Jay for letting us use this building this year! Proceeds to local Lions Club Projects. See you all there!"